
Concept Musorian Armed Forces

Operation Granite Belt

The invasion of the Pilbara Region to obtain mineral resources by the use of the airports and harbours of Broome, Port Headland and Dampier.

Forces 911MR Division MAF


Source: Google 2024

Operation Sandy Beach 

The invasion of the North Queensland Region to obtain mineral resources of North Western Queensland by the use of the rail corridor Mt Isa to Townsville, the airports and the harbours of Mt Isa, Normanton, Cloncurry and Townsville.

 Forces 912 MR Division

Source: Google 2025

Operation Ice Flow

The invasion of the Tweed River region to establish a lodgment force to seize and hold the rail, road, air and harbour links of Brisbane.

Forces 913 MR Division


Source: Google 2025

It is expected that some military aid will be given from the Kamarians and to a lesser degree from the Soviets.

Please Note: All information is for Minature Wargaming Purposes and not a reflection upon any individual or of history. Thank you



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